




we have learned over time that our customers are looking for quality, service and low investment. We've also learned that it's not possible to offer all three at once, and we have made the conscious decision to concentrate on great quality and great back- up service. We want to ensure the long-term satisfaction of our customers is not put at risk.


Do you mean price or cost? What I mean by what is, the price is the sticker price, whereas cost is the long-term investment in the product. Our products require lower maintenance, which saves time in the lont-run. You may find lower prices, but we doubt if you can find lower cost.


May I aks if price is your only consideration? Is your decision based solely on price? If so, I'm not sure if our products will be the best option for you. If there are other criteria you are going to judge it by. maybe we can discuss those.


We are fair with our customers at all stages, and we set our prices competitively right from the start. May I ask what you're comparing us against?


I understand why you may think that. Can we discuss a pricing option that I think might work for you?


We have deliberately set our pricing structure out so we can provide the best quality and the best after sales service. Is that just as impotant to you as the price?


We often find that if we as a company buy cheap, we also buy risk. We wouldn't want to put that risk on you by providing cheaper products,that might not be up to the overall job we've been discussing.


You've mentioned the price, Mr Customer. Other than that, is there anything else that concerns you about the product?


Let's consider the total cost of ownership for a moment and see whether the price is, in fact, really worthwhile when we consider what savings you maybe able not achieve.


You may have heard we are higher than our competitors, but our customers have give us top marks on quality, warranties and back-up services. They find these things matter more to them that the upfront price, as it means less maintenance and greater productivity in the long run. I can give you details of other customers who have used our products so you can discuss with them what they've achieved, if you like?



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